Changes In Names Of New York
State Towns
Table of Contents
Did your ancestors live in Sint Sink or Oldenbarnevelet, but
now you can't even find the town on the map??
The purpose of this page is to help you locate these long
lost locations by:
- Helping you find the new names of "old" towns that
have their changed names:
- For Towns whose names started with the letters A and B; click here: (namesa_b.htm)
- For Towns whose names started with the letters C, D, E: click here: (names c_e.htm)
- For Towns whose names started with the letters F, G, H; click here: (namesf_h.htm)
- For Towns whose names started with the letters I, J, K and L; click here: (namesi_l.htm)
- For Towns whose names started with the letters M and N; click here: (namesm_n.htm)
- For Towns whose names started with the letters O, P, Q and R; click here: (nameso_r.htm)
- For Towns whose names started with the letters S and T; click here: (namess_t.htm)
- For Towns whose names started with the letters U, V, W, X, Y and Z; click here: (namesu_z.htm)
On these pages the letter F. after the name of the town,
refers to French's Gazetteer as the authority
The letter W. Means Authority of Prof. or Mrs. A.M. Wright, who have verified all
the French references.
- Helping you find what county to look for to find a town that
may still exist
- If you know the name of a town, but not where its located,
try the USGS website
Thanks to John W. Ladwig
for sharing this information with us.
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visitor since September 7, 1997--
Last Revision was Friday, 26-Feb-2016 20:42:28 PST
Robert Sullivan