Index to Davis, Leng, and Vosburgh's Tombstone Inscriptions
Volume 1, K

Volume 1 Intro | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z | other

K., O., 822
K., M., 773
Kagel, Augustus, 1473
Kagel, Josephine, 1473
Kavana, Robert, 976
Kavana, William J., 975
Kelley, Herbert, 808
Kelley, Margaret, 804
Kelley, Mary A., 810
Kelley, Robert A., 809
Kelley, William, 803
Kennison, Ann M., 1330
Kennison, Stacy D., 1330
Kennison, William B., 1330
Kenny, Gertrude, 767
Kenny, James E., Rev., 1509
Kenny, Mary L., 1508
Kenny, Nicholas, 767
Kerr, Alice, 1545
Kerr, Fred F., 1545
Keteltas, Jane U., 353
Kibbl, J.T., 1462
Kibble, Thomas, 1104
Kingston, Abigail Ann, 7
Kinsey, Catharine Van Pelt, 277
Kinsey, Charles, 1529
Kinsey, Jehiel M., 277
Kinsey, Lavinia, 295
Kinsey, Mary Linsenden, 1529
Kinsey, William D., 294
Kirkman, Michael, 1495
Kirkwood, Edith M., 1518
Kirschner, Herman, 281
Kirtland, Edward, 651
Kirtland, Henry, 647
Kirtland, Ira C., 649
Kirtland, Julius S., 650
Kirtland, Mother, 648
Kissock (Clark), Jessie, 1351
Klein, Adam, 1343
Klein, Elizabeth, 1344
Klose, Augusta, 15
Klose, Annie, 9
Knobel, Lillian, 841
Koncz, Benjamin, 18
Koncz, Lidia, 17
Kroeger, Johanna, 1398
Krull, Charles, 58
Krull, Johanna, 58

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